Oh Happy Day!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hot off the sewing table...

I LOVE when I finish a project. I feel so great, like I just did something wonderful! Well, making something pretty IS wonderful!

I enjoy the whole process of sewing (well, the cutting isn't really my favorite but I do it). It is very relaxing (usually, that is unless I sew something backwards or upside down. That is NOT relaxing). It is really neat to see a small cut piece of fabric turn into something.  Something useful, and pretty!

So, that is what I have been doing. Taking small pieces of cut fabric and turning them into these beutiful creations:


The Floppy Cow said...

Very nice, you are quite talented!

Rachel said...

I love, love, love your stuff. You are so very talented!

Christine said...


Elizabeth Gwen Originals said...

you are all so sweet!! Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

those are great...i was heading toward the paper creation side of me today...but you have def. ignited my sewing passions....

thanks for sharing...
and yes, the snow is beautiful, I'm used to it being a regular thing, but i never tire of it!

ciao have a great...'no school' day with the little ones!