I have been so busy, that I have not posted here in a while so here is a summary of all my adventures.... Yay! I FINALLY got to go see Pirates of the Caribbean 3!! So exciting!! Did you guys know that you have to stay through all the closing credits at the end because there is one additional scene???? Only 5 people stayed in our theater to see it so lots of people don't even know!! I saw it so I know it's true :)
Bunny swappin has had my brain working too! I have such a cute idea ready. I even have my materials together so hoprfully today I can bring them to life...
Happy be-lated Father's Day! This weekend there was a HUGE resident picnic that included a huge bounce house and inflatable slide, not to mention free hot dogs, burgers, all the soda you could drink, cotton candy and Italian Ice!!! Oh yeah, and the best part, a PIE EATING CONTEST that my friend and neighbor Theresa made me sign up for. I have never been in a pie eating contest before, so it was interesting. I did not win :(
But it was so much fun! I have a picture for you to laugh at! I was kind of grossed out tin the beginning because my pie was supposed to be apple! The box said apple! Then I started eating it and it was peach!!! You know how when you are xpecting one taste, and then you geta complete differnet one how ot kind of grosses you out? Yeah, that was me, eeewwww. We also got to go swimming, a lot! The kids were in heaven!