To all of you sweet mamas out there, Happy Mother's Day! I hope your day is filled with love, hugs, and giggles! Being a mommy is the best thong that has ever happened to me. I was blessed with 4 wonderful, beautiful children and I am forever grateful for the blessings that they have brought into my life. I learn from them everyday.They make me smile, cry, scream, and laugh...but I would not ever change a moment.
Here are some photos of me and my 4 little loves, and one of their Grandma too :)
Enjoy these beautiful poems...they are some of my favorites :)
Before I was a Mom
Before I was a Mom -
I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.
Before I was a Mom -
I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom -
I had never been puked on - Pooped on - Spit on - Chewed on, or Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and My thoughts. I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom -
I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests...or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom -
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life
so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom -
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.
Before I was a Mom -
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known The warmth, The joy, The love, The heartache, The wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.
Only One Mother
Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky,
Hundreds of shells on the shore together,
Hundreds of birds that go singing by,
Hundreds of lambs in the sunny weather.
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the world wide over.
And Grandma's too...
While we honor all our mothers
with words of love and praise.
While we tell about their goodness
and their kind and loving ways.
We should also think of Grandma,
she's a mother too, you see....
For she mothered my dear mother
as my mother mothers me.
Author Unknown
PS: I am doing a giveaway in honor of Mother's Day! Please go to my Facebook fan page to learn more
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Luxurious Oatmeal Milk Bath Tutorial compliments Forest Hill Soaps
Just in time for Mother's Day! Thank you Susan for this wonderful tutorial! Please be sure to check out Forest Hill Soaps for beautiful handcrafted soaps, lotion bars and more!
Oatmeal and milk are well known for their skin soothing and nourishing qualities. It only takes a few minutes to make an oatmeal milk bath. You can even ‘dress it up’ into an aromatherapy bath!
You will need
· 3/4 cup uncooked oatmeal
· Blender
· Mixing bowl
· 3 cups powdered milk
· 1/4 cup sea salt or Epsom salts
· Several drops of your favorite essential oil or blend. (optional) examples: lavender, peppermint, rosemary
Using the blender - pulverize oatmeal into a fine powder. Or you can use baby oatmeal—just be certain it contains only oatmeal, and no fillers.
Transfer the powdered oatmeal to a mixing bowl and stir in the powdered milk and sea salt or Epsom salts.
If you want an aromatherapy experience with your bath add the essential oils to the oatmeal/milk/salts mixture
Mix until the oils are thoroughly incorporated with the other ingredients.
Store your oatmeal milk bath in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
Add about ¼ cup to running bath water and relax!!
Feature! Forest Hill Soaps
I have been MIA for a little bit, and I apologize, but I am back with a wonderful feature for Forest Hill Soaps!
I absolutely LOVE handmade soap! It always smells and feels wonderful, not to mention how beautiful it is! It is like a small piece of art that will keep you clean :D
Don't forget to Like Forest Hill soaps on Facebook
Here is what Susan had to say...
My name is Susan Peterson, and I am a wife and mom of 2 (17 and 18 yo) and registered nurse. I have always been interested in natural skin care, but found it difficult to find quality products; hence the start of our soapmaking adventure. Over time we perfected our 'receipe', and at the urging of family and friends, began Forest Hill Soaps in 2009. We make cold process soap using high quality vegetable oils, essential and quality fragrance oils, natural colorants-----no dyes, and no preservatives. The only animal products we use are honey and goats milk in select soaps. I also enjoy handpainting our casted soaps---these are individually handpainted--a process that takes several days to complete. Some of our other products include bath salts and teas, milk baths, whipped body butter, and our very popular Solid Lotion.
I absolutely LOVE handmade soap! It always smells and feels wonderful, not to mention how beautiful it is! It is like a small piece of art that will keep you clean :D
Don't forget to Like Forest Hill soaps on Facebook
Here is what Susan had to say...
My name is Susan Peterson, and I am a wife and mom of 2 (17 and 18 yo) and registered nurse. I have always been interested in natural skin care, but found it difficult to find quality products; hence the start of our soapmaking adventure. Over time we perfected our 'receipe', and at the urging of family and friends, began Forest Hill Soaps in 2009. We make cold process soap using high quality vegetable oils, essential and quality fragrance oils, natural colorants-----no dyes, and no preservatives. The only animal products we use are honey and goats milk in select soaps. I also enjoy handpainting our casted soaps---these are individually handpainted--a process that takes several days to complete. Some of our other products include bath salts and teas, milk baths, whipped body butter, and our very popular Solid Lotion.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Six Flags!!!
We went to Six Flags last weekend, and WOW did we have a great time!! The weather was near perfect and the lines were incredibly short all day! Gabe and Briana took me on the Mind Eraser, nd I was pretty scared at first, but I went through with it and it was actually pretty fun!! I don't know why I was chickening out (in my head) when I was younger I would go on ANY ride!! I was never afraid! Maybe my age is staring to show.... LOL. I hope not!! So this Mind Eraser is a roller coaster where your legs hang free and it goes upside down and twists and goes all crazy. It looks terrifying but it was really cool!
We walked around, a lot! We ate greasy burgers for lunch, and had Dippin Dots, Funnel cake and all the yummy not-so-good-for-you foods that go with amusement parks. The kids went on tons of rides and had so much fun. Connor was not impressed at all though and he was NOT into the rides at all. Even the carousel made him freak out, so he just hung out with me.
And, I got to meet my BFFOL SANDRA of Joey & Aleethea!! That made the day even more super cool! Her kiddies are even more adorable in person (if you can even believe that!) and it was so great to finally see her for real! We have "known" each other online for like 3 years! Lorelai instantly took charge with Joey and took his hand and kept him close. They were very inseparable. SOOOO cute!!
So, all in all a pretty darn good time at the amusement park. Terry even had a good time and hubby usually does not go for crazy places like that. He was a very good sport!
We walked around, a lot! We ate greasy burgers for lunch, and had Dippin Dots, Funnel cake and all the yummy not-so-good-for-you foods that go with amusement parks. The kids went on tons of rides and had so much fun. Connor was not impressed at all though and he was NOT into the rides at all. Even the carousel made him freak out, so he just hung out with me.
And, I got to meet my BFFOL SANDRA of Joey & Aleethea!! That made the day even more super cool! Her kiddies are even more adorable in person (if you can even believe that!) and it was so great to finally see her for real! We have "known" each other online for like 3 years! Lorelai instantly took charge with Joey and took his hand and kept him close. They were very inseparable. SOOOO cute!!
So, all in all a pretty darn good time at the amusement park. Terry even had a good time and hubby usually does not go for crazy places like that. He was a very good sport!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Easter Egg Hunt, Picture outfits and some customs!
Hi! I have been so busy sewing, and cleaning, and everything else but I wanted to post here and show you all some of what I have been up to. Last weekend we went to Virginia to hang out with my husband's cousin and his wife. They had an Easter egg hunt in their community and my 2 youngest kiddos got to participate. They ha d a wonderful time and Connor was even brave enough to walk over to the Easter Bunny and say hello!
I decided that matching outfits would be SO cute for the kids for pictures. So like a true crazy person I sewed ALL DAY last Friday and made 2 ties for my boys, a dress for Lorelai, and a wrap skirt for Briana. They looked really cute and I was very proud of myself. I only got to snap a couple of pictures in front of the house because Connor was getting really crabby. He had had enough pictures for the day. I took them to the Target portrait studio in the morning and he had his fill of patience :)
I also managed to get a couple of my customs all done! They turned out pretty beautifully if I do say so myself :)
I still have a small to do list to get through but it feels SO good to be able to cross off things I have finished!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Fun Feature Friday Presents Rapsberry Kidz!!!
For this Friday's Fun Feature I interviewed the super talented Artist Mommy Rachel of
Raspberry Kidz. Rachel makes the most awesome kids art around, and I am sure once you check out here shop you will agree. You can have a Rachel make you a Raspberry Boy or Raspberry Girl print with your childs' or anyone's name, that looks like who you are getting the print for.
Or you can have her enhance a piece of art your child has drawn. You just send her the digital file and she does the rest! How special for her to take your little sweetie's artwork and make it into something they can cherish forever!
I love kids art. That’s basically why I do what I do. It all started when my son (now 7) was in a baby playgroup. I wanted to create something personal for the moms as a gift. I came up with Raspberrykidz, the originals all based on the babies from that group.
When Ethan started drawing, there were so many pictures I wanted to keep, and I found them all so inspirational. I looked at them and saw more than the little scribbles he did, I saw pictures I would have trouble doing myself. He just came up with these whimsical pictures (as so many kids do), without overthinking anything (as so many adults do). I loved them, and I wanted to enhance them.
So, based on his drawings, a whole new side of Raspberrykidz was created. I reworked his pictures into full-color, matted, professional computer prints. Friends began to ask me to take their kids’ drawings and do the same thing.
It’s a great way to hold onto that special drawing your child may have drawn on scratch paper, the back of a menu or lined paper that you might just want cleaned up so it can be framed and on display. They have also proven to be a big hit with grandparents, as they are so personal and unique.
This is also the perfect thing for me to be doing, as I am a stay-at-home mom. Ethan is in 2nd grade, and my daughter Samantha (who is also quite the little artist) is in kindergarten. We live in Chicago where they attend a public fine arts magnet school. I think the arts are so important for kids (and adults!). Children’s drawings have really inspired me, and my goal is for the prints I do to keep inspiring them to continue with their artwork.

Ballerina pig by Samantha:
as a Raspberry:
Princess Party by Ethan:
as Raspberry:
And Because Rachel is so awesome, she is offering a free pendant with any purchase from the shop (a $15 value)
Here’s a picture of a pendant:
Cutie Pie not included :)
Can you say AWESOME??? What little darling would not be proud to sport a pendant showing off her very own artwork? Thank you SO much Rachel! Your work is truly fantastic :)
Rachel is also a fellow member of the Etsy Kids Street team! Check out the website here!
Thank you Rachel!
Raspberry Kidz. Rachel makes the most awesome kids art around, and I am sure once you check out here shop you will agree. You can have a Rachel make you a Raspberry Boy or Raspberry Girl print with your childs' or anyone's name, that looks like who you are getting the print for.
Or you can have her enhance a piece of art your child has drawn. You just send her the digital file and she does the rest! How special for her to take your little sweetie's artwork and make it into something they can cherish forever!
I love kids art. That’s basically why I do what I do. It all started when my son (now 7) was in a baby playgroup. I wanted to create something personal for the moms as a gift. I came up with Raspberrykidz, the originals all based on the babies from that group.
When Ethan started drawing, there were so many pictures I wanted to keep, and I found them all so inspirational. I looked at them and saw more than the little scribbles he did, I saw pictures I would have trouble doing myself. He just came up with these whimsical pictures (as so many kids do), without overthinking anything (as so many adults do). I loved them, and I wanted to enhance them.
So, based on his drawings, a whole new side of Raspberrykidz was created. I reworked his pictures into full-color, matted, professional computer prints. Friends began to ask me to take their kids’ drawings and do the same thing.
It’s a great way to hold onto that special drawing your child may have drawn on scratch paper, the back of a menu or lined paper that you might just want cleaned up so it can be framed and on display. They have also proven to be a big hit with grandparents, as they are so personal and unique.
This is also the perfect thing for me to be doing, as I am a stay-at-home mom. Ethan is in 2nd grade, and my daughter Samantha (who is also quite the little artist) is in kindergarten. We live in Chicago where they attend a public fine arts magnet school. I think the arts are so important for kids (and adults!). Children’s drawings have really inspired me, and my goal is for the prints I do to keep inspiring them to continue with their artwork.

Ballerina pig by Samantha:
as a Raspberry:
Princess Party by Ethan:
as Raspberry:
And Because Rachel is so awesome, she is offering a free pendant with any purchase from the shop (a $15 value)
Here’s a picture of a pendant:
Cutie Pie not included :)
Can you say AWESOME??? What little darling would not be proud to sport a pendant showing off her very own artwork? Thank you SO much Rachel! Your work is truly fantastic :)
Rachel is also a fellow member of the Etsy Kids Street team! Check out the website here!
Thank you Rachel!
Happy Thursday!
I have not posted any randomness in a while so I thought I would pop in and say HELLO!! To all of my awesome followers and friends:)
I made a super cute airplane T for Connor. He loves airplanes and helicopters so much! He gets very excited when he sees them in the sky. Here he is sporting his airplane T
I just love how the birdie adds in an unexpected POP of color :) And I added loads of ruffles! I love ruffles!
I made a super cute airplane T for Connor. He loves airplanes and helicopters so much! He gets very excited when he sees them in the sky. Here he is sporting his airplane T
I also made 2 skirts yesterday. I really love the white one and I am trying to decide whether to keep it for Lorelai or should I sell it? What do you think?? It turned out so lovely. I may just have to make one for me too!!
I just love how the birdie adds in an unexpected POP of color :) And I added loads of ruffles! I love ruffles!
Here is the second skirt I made. Of course, I had to do lots of ruffles on this one too. I added in the yellow pocket with the free stitched flower because again it added an unexpected touch. I am all about unexpected and bright :)
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